Magnesium rich smoothie

Easy to follow recipes using foods rich in magnesium for a natural and healthy energy booster

<1> Flax seeds, Almond Milk, and Pumpkin Seeds Smoothie

25g of pumpkin seeds
200 ml of almond milk
2 tablespoons of golden flaxseed
1 piece of orange

1/ Peel the piece of orange to remove the outer cover.
2/ Add the pumpkin seeds, flaxseed and the peeled piece of orange into a blender. Mix them appropriately and then add the almond milk, then blend again for a short period, ideally 30 seconds.
3/ Wait for a few minutes for the mixture to settle.
4/ Serve in your glass and enjoy your drink.

<2> Magnesium Boosting Smoothie
1 small, frozen banana
1 tbsp cacao
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp tahini
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup almond milk

1/ Blend all ingredients together and drink immediately.